Starting with Pentecost 2024, we are using the version of the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) found in the Lutheran Service Book (LSB), and is commonly called the LCMS Edition of the RCL. LCMC recommends this version from Solapublishing ( This version uses the historical “Complementary” series of readings, and does not have the alternative “Semicontinuous” series of readings: So, we do not have to determine what version we need when using this resource. For an explanation of these terms see the information at the bottom of the table of readings
Our Worship Services are Liturgical in nature (see below for what that means, including information on the Revised Common Lectionary). This page is provided to allow people to preview the schedule Sculpture Readings for upcoming Sunday Services. If desired, you can go to an interactive version at Word To Worship — Lutheran Service Book (LSB) RCL version at Word to Worship for Year “C” (Note there are a few dates where an alternative verse is present in this updated version of the one from the original LSB — example: for Dec. 1 the updated LCMS version offers “Luke 19:28–40 or Luke 21:25–36″, but the LSB only has “Luke 21:25–36”.).
- Click the link above to the Word To Worship site — that will bring up a table of the current “LCMS Lectionary” of the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL).
- Find the date desired and click on the “Read all” link — that will take you to the Bible Gateway website and automatically pull up all the scheduled readings, and will probably default to the New International Version (NIV) translation.
- Danevang Lutheran currently uses the English Standard Version (ESV), select that on Bible Gateway’s drop down list of translations — that will give you the version we use in services, and Bible Gateway should set a cookie on the browser you used, and next visit it should default to the ESV translation.
Year “C” , Dec. 2024 through Nov. 2025, Year “A” starts Dec. 2025
Season | Date | Festival | First Reading | Psalm | Epistle | Gospel |
ADVENT 2024 | Dec. 1 2024 | First S. in Advent | Jer. 33:14–16 | Psalm 25:1–10 | 1 Thess. 3:9–13 | Luke 19:28–40 or Luke 21:25–36 |
Dec. 8 | Second S. in Advent | Mal. 3:1–7b | Psalm 66:1–12 | Phil. 1:2–11 | Luke 3:1–14 (15–20) | |
Dec. 15 | Third S. in Advent | Zeph. 3:14–20 | Psalm 85 | Phil. 4:4–7 | Luke 7:18–28 (29–35) | |
Dec. 22 | Fourth S. in Advent | Micah 5:2–5a | Psalm 80:1–7 | Heb. 10:5–10 | Luke 1:39–45 (46–56) | |
Dec. 24 | The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Eve) | Isaiah 7:10–14 | Psalm 110:1–4 | 1 John 4:7–16 | Matt. 1:18–25 | |
CHRISTMAS 2024 | Dec. 25 | The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Midnight) | Isaiah 9:2–7 | Psalm 96 | Titus 2:11–14 | Luke 2:1–14 (15–20) |
The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Dawn) | Isaiah 62:10–12 | Psalm 98 | Titus 3:4–7 | Luke 2:(1–14) 15–20 | ||
The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Day) | Isaiah 52:7–10 | Psalm 2 | Heb. 1:1–6 (7–12) | John 1:1–14 (15–18) | ||
Dec. 29 | First S. after Christmas | Ex. 13:1–3a, 11–15 | Psalm 111 | Col. 3:12–17 | Luke 2:22–40 | |
Dec. 31 | Eve of the Circ. and Name of Jesus (New Year’s Eve) | Isaiah 30:(8–14) 15–17 | Psalm 90:1–12 | Rom. 8:31b–39 | Luke 12:35–40 | |
A.D. 2025 | Jan. 1 | Circumcision and Name of Jesus (New Year’s Day) | Num. 6:22–27 | Psalm 8 | Gal. 3:23–29 | Luke 2:21 |
Jan. 5 | Second S. after Christmas | 1 Kings 3:4–15 | Psalm 119:97–104 | Eph. 1:3–14 | Luke 2:40–52 | |
EPIPHANY | Jan. 6 | The Epiphany of Our Lord | Isaiah 60:1–6 | Psalm 72:1–11 (12–15) | Eph. 3:1–12 | Matt. 2:1–12 |
Jan. 12 | The Baptism of Our Lord | Isaiah 43:1–7 | Psalm 29 | Rom. 6:1–11 | Luke 3:15–22 | |
Jan. 19 | Second S. after the Epiphany | Isaiah 62:1–5 | Psalm 128 | 1 Cor. 12:1–11 | John 2:1–11 | |
Jan. 26 | Third S. after the Epiphany | Neh. 8:1–3, 5–6, 8–10 | Psalm 19:(1–6) 7–14 | 1 Cor. 12:12–31a | Luke 4:16–30 | |
Feb. 2 | Fourth S. after Epiphany | Jer 1:4-10 (17-19) | Psalm 71:1-6 (7-11) | 1 Cor 12:31b-13:13 | Luke 4:31-44 | |
Feb. 2 | The Purification of Mary and Presentation of Our Lord | 1 Sam. 1:21–28 | Psalm 84 | Heb. 2:14–18 | Luke 2:22–32 (33–40) | |
Feb. 9 | Fifth S. after the Epiphany | Isaiah 6:1–8 (9–13) | Psalm 138 | 1 Cor. 14:12b–20 | Luke 5:1–11 | |
Feb. 16 | Sixth S. after the Epiphany | Jer. 17:5–8 | Psalm 1 | 1 Cor. 15:(1–11) 12–20 | Luke 6:17–26 | |
Feb. 23 | Seventh S. after the Epiphany | Gen. 45:3–15 | Psalm 103:1–13 | 1 Cor. 15:21–26, 30–42 | Luke 6:27–38 | |
March 2 | The Transfiguration of Our Lord | Deut. 34:1–12 | Psalm 99 | Heb. 3:1–6 | Luke 9:28–36 | |
ASH WEDNESDAY | March 5 | Ash Wednesday | Joel 2:12–19 | Psalm 51:1–13 (14–19) | 2 Cor. 5:20b–6:10 | Matt. 6:(1–6) 16–21 |
LENT | March 9 | First S. in Lent | Deut. 26:1–11 | Psalm 91:1–13 | Rom. 10:8b–13 | Luke 4:1–13 |
March 16 | Second S. in Lent | Jer. 26:8–15 | Psalm 4 | Phil. 3:17–4:1 | Luke 13:31–35 | |
March 23 | Third S. in Lent | Ezek. 33:7–20 | Psalm 85 | 1 Cor. 10:1–13 | Luke 13:1–9 | |
March 30 | Fourth S. in Lent | Isaiah 12:1–6 | Psalm 32 | 2 Cor. 5:16–21 | Luke 15:1–3, 11–32 | |
April 6 | Fifth S. in Lent | Isaiah 43:16–21 | Psalm 126 | Phil. 3:(4b–7) 8–14 | Luke 20:9–20 | |
HOLY WEEK | April 13 | Palm Sunday (Palmarum) | Deut. 32:36–39 | Psalm 118:19–29 or Psalm 31:9–16 | Phil. 2:5–11 | John 12:12–19 (Procession) ———— Luke 22:1–23:56 or Luke 23:1–56 or John 12:20–43 |
April 17 | Holy (Maundy) Thursday | Jer. 31:31–34 or Ex. 12:1–14 | Psalm 116:12–19 | Heb. 10:15–25 or 1 Cor. 11:23–32 | Luke 22:7–20 or John 13:1–17, 31b–35 | |
April 18 | Good Friday | Isaiah 52:13–53:12 | Psalm 22 or Psalm 31 | Heb. 4:14–16; 5:7–9 | John 18:1–19:42 or John 19:17–30 | |
EASTER | April 20 | The Resurrection of Our Lord (Sunrise) | Job 19:23–27 | Psalm 118:15–29 | 1 Cor. 15:51–57 | John 20:1–18 |
The Resurrection of Our Lord | Isaiah 65:17–25 | Psalm 16 | 1 Cor. 15:19–26 | Luke 24:1–12 | ||
April 27 | Second S. of Easter | Acts 5:12–20 (21–32) | Psalm 148 | Rev. 1:4–18 | John 20:19–31 | |
May 4 | Third S. of Easter | Acts 9:1–22 | Psalm 30 | Rev. 5:(1–7) 8–14 | John 21:1–14 (15–19) | |
May 11 | Fourth S. of Easter | Acts 20:17–35 | Psalm 23 | Rev. 7:9–17 | John 10:22–33 | |
May 18 | Fifth S. of Easter | Acts 11:1–18 | Psalm 148 | Rev. 21:1–7 | John 16:12–22 or John 13:31–35 | |
May 25 | Sixth S. of Easter | Acts 16:9–15 | Psalm 67 | Rev. 21:9–14, 21–27 | John 16:23–33 or John 5:1–9 | |
May 29 | The Ascension of Our Lord | Acts 1:1–11 | Psalm 47 | Eph. 1:15–23 | Luke 24:44–53 | |
June 1 | Seventh S. of Easter | Acts 1:12–26 | Psalm 133 | Rev. 22:1–6 (7–11) 12–20 | John 17:20–26 | |
PENTECOST | June 8 | The Day of Pentecost | Gen. 11:1–9 | Psalm 143 | Acts 2:1–21 | John 14:23–31 |
TRINITY | June 15 | The Holy Trinity | Prov. 8:1–4, 22–31 | Psalm 8 | Acts 2:14a, 22–36 | John 8:48–59 |
June 22 (Prop. 7) | Second S. after Pentecost | Isaiah 65:1–9 | Psalm 3 | Gal. 3:23–4:7 | Luke 8:26–39 | |
June 29 (Prop. 8) | Third S. after Pentecost | 1 Kings 19:9b–21 | Psalm 16 | Gal. 5:1, 13–25 | Luke 9:51–62 | |
or | St. Peter and St. Paul | Acts 15:1–12 (13–21) | Psalm 46 | Gal. 2:1–10 | Matt. 16:13–19 | |
July 6 (Prop. 9) | Fourth S. after Pentecost | Isaiah 66:10–14 | Psalm 66:1–7 | Gal. 6:1–10, 14–18 | Luke 10:1–20 | |
July 13 (Prop. 10) | Fifth S. after Pentecost | Lev. (18:1–5) 19:9–18 | Psalm 41 | Col. 1:1–14 | Luke 10:25–37 | |
July 20 (Prop. 11) | Sixth S. after Pentecost | Gen. 18:1–10a (10b–14) | Psalm 27:(1–6) 7–14 | Col. 1:21–29 | Luke 10:38–42 | |
July 27 (Prop. 12) | Seventh S. after Pentecost | Gen. 18:(17–19) 20–33 | Psalm 138 | Col. 2:6–15 (16–19) | Luke 11:1–13 | |
Aug. 3 (Prop. 13) | Eighth S. after Pentecost | Eccl. 1:2, 12–14; 2:18–26 | Psalm 100 | Col. 3:1–11 | Luke 12:13–21 | |
Aug. 10 (Prop. 14) | Ninth S. after Pentecost | Gen. 15:1–6 | Psalm 33:12–22 | Heb. 11:1–16 | Luke 12:22–34 (35–40) | |
Aug. 17 (Prop. 15) | Tenth S. after Pentecost | Jer. 23:16–29 | Psalm 119:81–88 | Heb. 11:17–31 (32–40); 12:1–3 | Luke 12:49–53 (54–56) | |
Aug. 24 (Prop. 16) | Eleventh S. after Pentecost | Isaiah 66:18–23 | Psalm 50:1–15 | Heb. 12:4–24 (25–29) | Luke 13:22–30 | |
or | St. Bartholomew | Prov. 3:1–8 | Psalm 121 | 2 Cor. 4:7–10 | Luke 22:24–30 or John 1:43–51 | |
Aug. 31 (Prop. 17) | Twelfth S. after Pentecost | Prov. 25:2–10 | Psalm 131 | Heb. 13:1–17 | Luke 14:1–14 | |
Sept. 7 (Prop. 18) | Thirteenth S. after Pentecost | Deut. 30:15–20 | Psalm 1 | Philemon 1–21 | Luke 14:25–35 | |
Sept. 14 (Prop. 19) | Fourteenth S. after Pentecost | Ezek. 34:11–24 | Psalm 119:169–176 | 1 Tim. 1:(5–11) 12–17 | Luke 15:1–10 | |
or | Holy Cross Day | Num. 21:4–9 | Psalm 40:1–11 | 1 Cor. 1:18–25 | John 12:20–33 | |
Sept. 21 (Prop. 20) | Fifteenth S. after Pentecost | Amos 8:4–7 | Psalm 113 | 1 Tim. 2:1–15 | Luke 16:1–15 | |
or | St. Matthew | Ezek. 2:8–3:11 | Psalm 119:33–40 | Eph. 4:7–16 | Matt. 9:9–13 | |
Sept. 28 (Prop. 21) | Sixteenth S. after Pentecost | Amos 6:1–7 | Psalm 146 | 1 Tim. 3:1–13 or 1 Tim. 6:6–19 | Luke 16:19–31 | |
Oct. 5 (Prop. 22) | Seventeenth S. after Pentecost | Hab. 1:1–4; 2:1–4 | Psalm 62 | 2 Tim. 1:1–14 | Luke 17:1–10 | |
Oct. 12 (Prop. 23) | Eighteenth S. after Pentecost | Ruth 1:1–19a | Psalm 111 | 2 Tim. 2:1–13 | Luke 17:11–19 | |
Oct. 19 (Prop. 24) | Nineteenth S. after Pentecost | Gen. 32:22–30 | Psalm 121 | 2 Tim. 3:14–4:5 | Luke 18:1–8 | |
REFORMATION | Oct. 26 (observed) | Reformation Day (Oct. 31) | Rev. 14:6–7 | Psalm 46 | Rom. 3:19–28 | Matt. 11:12–19 or John 8:31–36 |
or (Prop. 25) | Twentieth S. after Pentecost | Gen. 4:1–15 | Psalm 5 | 2 Tim. 4:6–8, 16–18 | Luke 18:9–17 | |
ALL SAINTS’ DAY | Nov. 2 (observed) | All Saints’ Day (Nov. 1) | Rev. 7:(2–8) 9–17 | Psalm 149 | 1 John 3:1–3 | Matt. 5:1–12 |
or (Prop. 26) | Twenty-first S. after Pentecost | Isaiah 1:10–18 | Psalm 130 | 2 Thess. 1:1–5 (6–10) 11–12 | Luke 19:1–10 | |
Nov. 9 (Prop. 27) | Twenty-second S. after Pentecost | Ex. 3:1–15 | Psalm 148 | 2 Thess. 2:1–8, 13–17 | Luke 20:27–40 | |
Nov. 16 (Prop. 28) | Twenty-third S. after Pentecost | Mal. 4:1–6 | Psalm 98 | 2 Thess. 3:(1–5) 6–13 | Luke 21:5–28 (29–36) | |
Nov. 23 (Prop. 29) | Last Sunday of the Church Year | Mal. 3:13–18 | Psalm 46 | Col. 1:13–20 | Luke 23:27–43 | |
THANKSGIVING | Nov. 27 | Thanksgiving Day | Deut. 8:1–10 | Psalm 67 | Phil. 4:6–20 or 1 Tim. 2:1–4 | Luke 17:11–19 |
New Church Year Starts Here (2025–2026) — Series A | ||||||
ADVENT 2025 | Nov. 30 2025 | First S. in Advent | Isaiah 2:1–5 | Psalm 122 | Rom. 13:(8–10) 11–14 | Matt. 21:1–11 or Matt. 24:36–44 |
Dec. 7 | Second S. in Advent | Isaiah 11:1–10 | Psalm 72:1–7 | Rom. 15:4–13 | Matt. 3:1–12 | |
Dec. 14 | Third S. in Advent | Isaiah 35: 1–10 | Psalm 146 | James 5:7–11 | Matt. 11:2–15 | |
Dec. 21 | Fourth S. in Advent | Isaiah 7:10–17 | Psalm 24 | Rom. 1:1–7 | Matt. 1:18–25 | |
Dec. 24 | The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Eve) | Isaiah 7:10–14 | Psalm 110:1–4 | 1 John 4:7–16 | Matt. 1:18–25 | |
CHRISTMAS 2025 | Dec. 25 | The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Midnight) | Isaiah 9:2–7 | Psalm 96 | Titus 2:11–14 | Luke 2:1–14 (15–20) |
The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Dawn) | Isaiah 62:10–12 | Psalm 98 | Titus 3:4–7 | Luke 2:1–14 (15–20) | ||
The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Day) | Isaiah 52:7–10 | Psalm 2 | Heb. 1:1–6 (7–12) | John 1:1–14 (15–18) | ||
Dec. 28 | First S. after Christmas | Isaiah 63:7–14 | Psalm 111 | Gal. 4:4–7 | Matt. 2:13–23 | |
or | The Holy Innocents, Martyrs | Jer. 31:15–15 | Psalm 54 | Rev. 14:1–5 | Matt. 2:13–18 | |
Dec. 31 | Eve of the Circ. and Name of Jesus (New Year’s Eve) | Isaiah 30:(8–14) 15–17 | Psalm 90:1–12 | Rom. 8:31b–39 | Luke 12:35–40 |
More Info on the Lectionary
Vanderbilt University is an official repository for the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL)*. Historically, the readings in the RCL are provided in the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible, and that is the default version on the Vanderbilt website. The Frequently Asked Questions on the RCL at Vanderbilt provides a history of the RCL. If you want information on the parament colors, prayers, hymns, etc., as used throughout the Liturgical Year, then the Vanderbilt website is a good resource — go to and follow links for the particular Sunday of interest.
The version in the table above uses the historical “Complementary” series of readings, and does not have the alternative “Semicontinuous” series of readings: So, we do not have to determine what version we need when using this resource.
“During the Season after Pentecost, the Revised Common Lectionary offers two sets of parallel readings. The first set of “semicontinuous” OT readings follows major stories/themes, beginning in Year A with Genesis and ending in Year C with the later prophets. “Complementary” OT readings follow the historical tradition of thematically pairing the OT reading with the Gospel reading. Whichever approach is chosen at the beginning of Pentecost, the intent is for the remaining Season after Pentecost readings to follow the same approach. In addition, both sets of readings sometimes offer alternate options (indicated by italics): readings that may be used with, or in place of, the standard reading. Finally, note that the psalms for each Sunday after Pentecost are intended to be paired with a particular OT reading (either semicontinuous or complementary).”
From, and official repository for all things Revised Common Lectionary, see the FAQ about “Why are there so many options for first and second readings, Psalms, and Gospel readings? Doesn’t this detract from the goal of getting everyone to read the same lessons?”
We are a “Liturgical Church”. Well, just what does that mean?
The term “liturgy” is of Greek language origin and would translate, literally, as “work for the people”, but in common English would be more like “public service”. It means we follow a specific, reverent, intentional practice in our Church service. That intentional practice includes the four Scripture Readings mentioned above. Typically, the Pastoral message (called a homily or sermon) is based upon those readings for that Sunday. It reflects historical Church practices performed by those who understand themselves to be participating in an action with the divine.
Some good online tools for looking up the Scriptures in multiple translations, and with resources for studying Holy Scriptures, include (links open in new window):
*The information provided on the Danevang Lutheran Church website is consistent with the “Terms of Use” provided on the FAQ2 page at Frequently Ask Questions page at Vanderbilt University.